‘Arrival’ and the Beauty of Communication

As is common each year for a close group of friends and I, we have begun our theater tour of all the films generating Oscar buzz. It’s a ritual we enjoy. We view good films, drink beer, and have excellent conversation regarding the films we see. This past week, we saw Arrival, a science fiction …

Have We Become Numb to Stories of Violence?

Like most days, I spent my lunch on Thursday outside browsing some of my favorite websites. As I clicked my browser on I, like many, read early reports of yet another school shooting, this time in Oregon. And then I casually moved on to another site. And then I stopped. My immediate thought was not …

Cultural Indictment: The New Star Trek

I’ve been a lifelong science fiction fan, especially so of the Star Trek franchise. As a kid, I was drawn to the stories and to the ability to use reason to guide humanity past difficulties and solve complex problems (though I could not put such words to it as a child). As an adult, I …

The Value of Star Trek

Many know how much I value science fiction, namely the franchises of Star Trek and Star Wars. In fact, there is a perennial debate on which franchise has a more lasting impact on people. As you will be able to infer from this article, I am a strong proponent that Star Trek is the most influential …

Mourning Heroes: The Dark Knight Shooting

Being consistent with my normality of geek experience, I attended a midnight showing of yet another blockbuster superhero movie last night. Such as been the case with me for nearly a decade since superhero movies became a worldwide trend. They have often been fun, enjoyable experiences, not only for the viewing of a movie that …

Integrity and the Art of Paper Writing

I find myself continuously mesmerized, baffled, and befuddled over the methodology in which people write academic papers. I have seen some abysmal work at the undergraduate level, but even more distressing is seeing poor work done at the graduate level. While I understand that not every paper will strive to be up for the Pulitzer, …